Episode Summary:
In this episode, Erik Fisher explains how he’s using his MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, iPhone 8 Plus and Apple Watch to record, edit, publish and monetize his productivity-based podcast.
Around the 40 minutes mark, Erik shares a tip that is useful for people who want to reduce distractions on their iPhone while keeping login information intact.
You can connect with Erik by visiting https://www.beyondthetodolist.com
Useful links:
- Things 3 (Mac + iPhone & Apple Watch + iPad)
- Audacity (macOS)
- Screenflow (macOS)
- Slack (macOS + iOS)
- Skype (macOS + iOS)
- Evernote (macOS + iOS)
- JustPressRecord (macOS + iPhone & Apple Watch)
- Overcast (iOS)
- Spark e-mail client (macOS + iOS)
- Duet display (Mac + iOS)
- BTTDL 238: Focus: Chris Bailey on Hyperfocus, Scatterfocus and Attention
- Sleep watch (iPhone & Apple Watch)
- Dark sky (iPhone & iPad & Apple Watch)
- Tile (iPhone & iPad & Apple Watch)
- Introducing Zero, a new app to help you fast (iPhone & Apple Watch)
- How to save space and reduce distractions with app offloading
- Back to Work podcast with Dan Benjamin & Merlin Mann
- Mac Power Users podcast with David Sparks & Katie Floyd
- Mac Power Users online community