Episode Summary:
In episode 8 of Macpreneur, Austin Saylor explains how he’s using his 27-inch 5K iMac, his MacBook Pro, his iPhone and Apple Watch to teach people how to do lettering animation while running a freelance business on the side.
Around the 27 minutes mark, Austin shares a tip that is useful for people who need to paste stuff from the web without the formatting.
You can connect with Austin via:
- Twitter: @itsaustinsaylor
- Website: https://www.austinsaylor.com
Want to provide some feedback or be a guest on the show? Then visit macpreneur.com/contact
Useful links:
- 13 inch HD cintiq wacom tablet
- Textexpander
- Slack
- Alfred
- 1Password
- Paste
- Evernote
- Dropbox
- G Suite (Google Drive, Sheets, Docs, …) for businesses
- After Effects
- Photoshop
- Instagram iOS app
- Twitter iOS app
- Relax Melodies: Sleep sounds
- Everyday: Take a picture of yourself every day
- Mac Power Users podcast
- Mac Power Users community on Discourse
- Discourse open-source forum solution
- Keyboard Maestro