Episode Summary: So, three episodes ago, I kicked off a series of solo shows that explore the behind the scenes of my freelance Apple training & consulting business. First, I've gone through …
Main Content
MP013: Online services: Behind the scenes of a freelance Apple consulting business – part 3
Episode Summary: So, two episodes ago, I kicked off a series of solo shows that explore the behind the scenes of my freelance Apple training & consulting business. First, I've gone through my …
MP012: iOS setup: Behind the scenes of a freelance Apple consulting business – part 2
Episode Summary: So, unlike the first 10 episodes of the show, I'm releasing a 3-part series showing you the behind the scenes of my freelance Apple training & consulting business. In last …
MP011: Mac setup: Behind the scenes of a freelance Apple consulting business – part 1
Episode Summary: So, unlike the 10 previous episodes, I'm releasing a 3-part series showing you the behind the scenes of my freelance Apple training & consulting business. This week, you'll …
MP010: Running a 7-figure online business with Kate Erickson
Episode Summary: In this episode, Kate Erickson, host of the Kate's Take podcast, explains how she's using her MacBook Pro and iPhone 6S to run a successful 7-figure online business with her partner …
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MP009: Storytelling through documentary film making with Ben Toalson
Episode Summary: In this episode, Ben Toalson explains how he's using his Retina iMac, iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2 to produce documentaries while offering SEO and graphic design services on the …
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MP008: Teaching Lettering Animation with Austin Saylor
Episode Summary: In episode 8 of Macpreneur, Austin Saylor explains how he's using his 27-inch 5K iMac, his MacBook Pro, his iPhone and Apple Watch to teach people how to do lettering animation while …
Continue Reading about MP008: Teaching Lettering Animation with Austin Saylor →
MP007: Helping people make great podcasts with Aaron Dowd
Episode Summary: In episode 7 of Macpreneur, Aaron Dowd explains how he's helping folks tell important stories through the podcasting medium using his 2016 MacBook Pro, his iPhone 7 and his 6th …
Continue Reading about MP007: Helping people make great podcasts with Aaron Dowd →
MP006: Sketching and teaching how to sketch for a living with Liz Steel
Episode Summary: In this episode, Liz Steel explains how she's using her iMac, MacBook Air, iPad Pro with Apple Pencil and iPhone 6 to run a successful online business teaching people how to …
Continue Reading about MP006: Sketching and teaching how to sketch for a living with Liz Steel →
MP005: Producing weekly content and working as a designer with Charli Prangley
Episode Summary: In this episode, Charli (@charliprangley) explains how she's using her couple of MacBooks and her iPad Pro with Apple Pencil to consistently produce YouTube videos and co-host a …