TL;DR In this episode, you'll learn why securing your online accounts is crucial for your solopreneur business. We discuss the three pillars of digital security, internal and external security …
Main Content
MP102: Protect Your Business Secrets: A Solopreneur’s Crash Course in Apple Device Disposal
TL;DR In this episode, you'll learn how to safely and responsibly dispose of your old Apple devices, including Macs, iPhones, and iPads. Useful links Tools mentioned in this episode Carbon Copy …
MP101: Macpocalypse! Lost, Dead, or Stolen? Solopreneur’s Guide to Business Survival
TL;DR Have you ever found yourself unable to use your Mac for a day? In this episode, I'll guide you through what to do if your Mac is lost, stolen, or simply won't start. Useful links Tools mentioned …
MP100: Silent Mac Attack: 7 WARNING SIGNS Every Solopreneur Needs to Know NOW!
TL;DR In this episode, you'll discover 7 warning signs your Mac might be infected with malware. Useful links Tools mentioned in this episode 🆓 Mac Security Checklist: …
MP099: Mac Security Made Easy: Free Checklist to Protect Your Business & Boost Peace of Mind.
TL;DR In this episode, you'll learn crucial Mac security best practices for solopreneurs. I'll guide you through a step-by-step checklist covering the pillars of security: confidentiality, integrity, …
MP098: Solopreneurs Beware: Is Your Mac as Safe as You Think?
TL;DR In this episode, I address the misconception that Macs are immune to cyber threats. I highlight the increasing prevalence of Mac malware, detailing the threat landscape and numerous …
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MP097: Why do solopreneurs need to be proactive about digital security?
TL;DR In this episode, you'll discover the paramount importance of digital security for your solopreneur business. Useful links 2023 Business Impact Report: PDF version Identity Theft Resource …
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MP096: From Chaos to Cashflow: Must-Know Finance Tools These 3 Solopreneurs Can’t Live Without
TL;DR In this episode, you'll discover the finance management tools used by three fellow solopreneurs: Susanna Reay, Roland Hüse, and Anna Lundberg, and insights on optimizing the finance side of your …
MP095: Transform Your Profit Forecasting Overnight as a Solopreneur with this Free Spreadsheet
TL;DR In this episode, you'll discover an Excel-based system that I developed for EasyTECH. This spreadsheet is specifically designed to help solopreneurs like you forecast the profitability of your …
MP094: Track Your Solopreneur Expenses in Minutes On Your Mac
TL;DR In this episode, you'll discover different ways to efficiently manage your solopreneur's business expenses on your Mac. We discuss the importance of tracking both fixed and variable expenses, as …
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